Free Printable Build A Skeleton Craft

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Halloween is creeping up and what better way to keep residents excited then with some Halloween themed arts, crafts & activities. Today we are sharing our brand new Free Printable Build A Skeleton Craft that is perfect for getting little ones (and big) expressing their inner artist. This is a man on man craft that you can build Include great fine motor skills while getting in the Halloween spirit. And it’s totally free for you to download, print out and put together.

Supplies You Need

Before you get started, make sure you have the following supplies on hand:

  1. Printable Skeleton Craft (Download link below)
  2. Printer for printing the skeleton template
  3. Crayons or Colored Pencils to add some fun and spooky colors to your skeleton
  4. Scissors for cutting out the individual skeleton parts
  5. Glue to stick the pieces together on construction paper
  6. Construction Paper (preferably 8.5×11 inches) to assemble your colorful skeleton
  7. Cardstock Paper for printing if you want a sturdier skeleton
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You can check our Printable build a monster craft also build a owl craft

Free Printable Build A Skeleton Craft

With our Printable Build A Skeleton Craft you will get all the creations needed to make your skeleton masterpiece! Each piece of the skeleton is separated for you, making them easy to color or stamp before cutting it out. The craft is sized for standard 8.5×11-inch paper, so you can even have kids print and create it at home or in class.

Printable Build A Skeleton Craft

After printing out the skeleton, you can color each bone and then cut them out to work with construction paper so that your entire skeleton is pieced together. Or just print it on a heavy, regular home printer paper and make lots of copies to give your skeleton an army feel for decoration or fun. These printable are for personal use. Do not reproduce any of my free download files without written permission from this blog.

How To Build A Skeleton:

Making your own skeleton craft is easy and fun! Here are the simple steps to follow:

Download Skeleton Template: At first download the printable skeleton template. Here is the template you can download.

Build A Skeleton Craft

Color It: To do a more detailed skeleton color it in with crayons or pencils. Be creative your skeleton can be as serious or fun/funny looking.

Free Printable Build A Skeleton Craft

Cut It: Carefully cut each part out with a pair of scissors. Slowly, Slowly Cut Along the Lines

Paste It: Cut the skeleton pieces out and paste them together onto construction paper in their proper places. So you can even joint the joints for added realism!

Printable Build A Skeleton Crafts

And that’s it! You now have your own skeleton craft for a Halloween decoration or an activity to do with children.


This is a quick and fun way to welcome in the Halloween season with our Free Printable Build A Skeleton Craft. Great for a short in class project or at home fun, this craft takes some time but is well worth the wait. Click download link above for a PDF to download, color and assemble your own skeleton today.

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Mahmuda Akter

Mahmuda Akter, the founder of DrawCraftCreate blog, shares free coloring pages, Printable PDFs, How to draw guides, and kids craft ideas. I am passionate about art and education, My aims to inspire creativity in children and provide parents and educators with engaging and accessible resources.

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