How To Draw A Helicopter | Step By Step Guide

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Drawing a helicopter can seem challenging, but with our easy-to-follow guide, you’ll be sketching one quickly! Whether you’re an aspiring artist or just looking for a fun activity, this tutorial breaks down each step to help you create a detailed helicopter drawing. Plus, we offer a free printable PDF sheet to guide you through each stage. Let’s dive in!

Materials You Need

Before you start, make sure you have the following materials ready:

  • A sharpened pencil
  • A good eraser
  • Quality drawing paper
  • Colored pencils, markers, or crayons (if you plan to color your drawing)

How To Draw A Helicopter: Step-by-Step Guide

helicopter drawing guide

Follow these simple steps to draw your helicopter. Our downloadable PDF sheet illustrates each step, ensuring you have a visual guide to support your drawing process.

1. Draw The Body

Start by drawing the main body of the helicopter. Create a long oval shape to represent the fuselage.

Draw helicopter

3. Add The Tail and Tail Rotor

At the end of the tail boom, draw a small circle. From this circle, extend two short lines outward to form the blades of the tail rotor. These blades should be perpendicular to the tail boom and relatively shorter than the main rotor blades.

Draw helicopter

3. Draw the Cockpit

At the front of the fuselage, draw a smaller oval shape for the cockpit.

Draw helicopter

4. Draw The Rotor Mast

On top of the fuselage, draw a small vertical rectangle. This will serve as the rotor mast, which is the component that connects the main rotor blades to the helicopter’s body.

Draw helicopter

5. Draw the Rotor Blade

Starting from the circle you drew in the previous step, sketch out the main rotor blades. These should be elongated, curved rectangles extending outward from the center circle. Each blade should be approximately the same length and thickness.

Draw helicopter

6. Draw the Landing Skids

Underneath the fuselage, draw two parallel lines with a slight curve to represent the landing skids.

Draw helicopter

7. Color the helicopter

And finally color it with your favorite color. You can download this helicopter coloring page printable in below.

Draw helicopter

Helicopter Coloring Pages Printable

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Once you’ve completed your helicopter drawing, you can bring it to life with colors! Download our free helicopter coloring pages printable to add vibrant colors to your artwork. This is a great way to enhance your drawing and make it stand out.

helicopter coloring pages

Helicopter Drawing Video

Watch our helicopter drawing video for a visual and interactive guide. This step-by-step video tutorial will help you follow along and ensure you capture all the details.

Great job on completing your helicopter drawing! This guide taught you how to break down complex shapes into simple steps. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep experimenting and adding your touch to each drawing. Remember to download the coloring pages and watch our video for extra inspiration. Keep drawing, stay creative, and enjoy every step of your artistic journey!

See more drawing guide

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Mahmuda Akter

Mahmuda Akter, the founder of DrawCraftCreate blog, shares free coloring pages, Printable PDFs, How to draw guides, and kids craft ideas. I am passionate about art and education, My aims to inspire creativity in children and provide parents and educators with engaging and accessible resources.

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